Prolonged stress is never healthy. It can cause several physical and mental health issues, including hair fall. When you're constantly under stress, your body goes into survival mode and diverts all its resources towards keeping you alive, which means that functions like hair growth take a backseat. Reports show that the pandemic plays a vital role in increased stress and...

The New You: 7 Types of Diets To Try Out

If you're on a quest to get healthy, you're not alone. According to the International Food Information Council Foundation, one in three Americans adhere to an eating pattern or diet. However, some people turn to...
How To Maintain Holistic Health with Natural Products

How To Maintain Holistic Health with Natural Products

Incorporating natural products into daily routines enhances overall health and well-being. Natural products like argan oil, aloe vera, honey, and green tea benefits skin and hair health. Essential oils, herbal teas, and aromatherapy...

5 Ways to Celebrate Retirement at Work

Retiring from professional responsibilities is one of the most significant milestones that you can experience in your lifetime. After working hard for decades, retirement provides you with the opportunity to pursue leisure activities on...

What’s The Difference Between A Dentist And A Cosmetic Dentist?

After spending a couple of added moments at the mirror this afternoon, you have determined your smile requires a small touch-up. Your teeth are appearing more yellowish than white nowadays, and you have always wished...

Everything You Need to Know About Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Apple cider vinegar is a popular compound used in the health and wellness industry. A lot of people use it to treat obesity, aid skin-related issues and to control the blood sugar level. People who...

CBD For Dogs: You Need to Know

It was in the early 20's that my veterinarian friend first suggested I look into CBD oil for dogs. My dearest dog was suffering from arthritis and my other dog had lately begun suffering...

6 Natural Wellness Techniques for a Healthier, More Comfortable Pregnancy

There’s nothing more exciting or beautiful than becoming a mother. However, being pregnant also comes with a host of discomforts, from morning sickness in the first trimester to extreme fatigue in the third, and...
I'm an author and blogging enthusiast writing for a “A peek at karen’s world “ and sharing my ideas about health. Cooking has become a hobby for me, and my kitchen is the most important room in my home.

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